Vehicle Cut & Polish Service in Brisbane
In the automotive industry, there are various products available for those looking to cut and polish a car, however, the process is fairly complex, and therefore, often performed incorrectly due to lack of expertise.
The reason a cut and polish is necessary is due to foreign particles such as animal droppings, dirt, tree sap, oil, exhaust contaminants, and other impurities attacking the paint on a vehicle. Combine those with the harsh Australian climate and it is not uncommon that most vehicles, even ones that are only a few years old, can benefit from a professional cut and polish.
The first step of a professional cut and polish is removing foreign particles from the paint. This cannot be done with a simple car wash, and special chemicals are used for this step.
The second step is compounding. Compounds are minuscule abrasive elements that essentially buff the paint improving the appearance of dull, scratched, and oxidized spots. This prepares the car for polishing.
The third step is polishing which deeply cleanses the paint by removing oxidation, scratches, spotting, old wax, swirl marks, and other minor paint defects. The best polishing results are achieved by using an orbital buffer rather than by hand. Polishes have a cutting ability, however, they are generally much smoother than compounds.
The last step of a cut and polish is waxing, which has many types of waxes. Waxing provides a protective barrier between the finish and the environment. Ultimately, your car looks better because more light reflects from the surface resulting in a high gloss finish.
A professional cut & polish service can add value to your vehicle as well as help protect your paint. So why wait? Call us today and get a slot for your vehicle’s cut & polish service at Salisbury Collision Centre.
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